Saturday, June 6, 2009

Our Body Is Made of Cavities, Big and Small; Resonance Among The Cavities Help Blood Circulation

This note is a continuing story of the previous post describing what I understand from reading the book of "Melody of Qi" 氣的樂章 written by Dr. Wang.

Our body is made of cavities, big and small. The body can be considered as one whole big cavity while various organs such as kidney and spleen are all situated in smaller cavities. All cavities can vibrate with sets of harmonics if an external oscillatory force is applied. This is similar to all kinds of wind instruments. These instruments can make sounds when they were blown with our breadth.

Our heart which regularly pumps the blood is the external oscillatory force to create harmonics to all cavities. The heart is not located the head because at that location, it can only create the odd number (n=1, 3, etc.) harmonics. Nor the heart is located in the middle of the body because at the center, the heart pump can only create even number (n=2, 4, ...) of the harmonics. Instead, the heart is located about 1/4 from the top of the head. There the heart beats can create all harmonics that will help all other organs to be in sync with the harmonics the heart beat create.

The body harmonics originated from the heart beat actually distributed from the place called Tan-Jon 膻中 , at the center of the chest connected to the heart with a blood vessel. At Tan-Jon膻中, the kinetic energy of the blood flow in the artery is transformed into the potential energy in the form of the pressure wave. This wave will cause the other cavities such as kidney and spleen cavities to vibrate if the vibration frequencies of these smaller cavities are in sync with the harmonics that was produced at Tan-Jon. Blood circulation is very similar to making a sausage which requires repetitive squeezing and releasing of the pressure of the tube to facilitate the material transfer. This model explains many mysteries of the nature. For example, it explains why the smaller animals which require less blood for living have faster pulse rate than the bigger animals. It also explains why organs are connected to the blood vessel system with an almost 90 degree angle branched out with a stiffer side-blood vessel.

An analogy of blood circulation is similar to distributing electricity to a city. Electricity generated from a power generator first needs to be transmitted to a transformer to become a high voltage but low current flow. At the local household, the voltage is reverted back to a usable voltage and current. The various transformers in our body are: Tan-Jong 膻中 , Kidney Gate 腎門, and spleen gate 脾經.

I will elaborate on how Qi exercise helps the blood circulation through breathing, focus and body exercise.

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